作者:玩球直播 | 发表于:2023-03-07 | 阅读:106次

词组学习在英语学习过程中占有重要的地位,词组就是语言的一种固定搭配,比如be good at=do well in这样的同意词组去表达同一个意思。句型就显得更重要了。比如:there is something wrong with the washing machine.就是一个试题中出现比例很高的句型。一句话,词组学习会让我们的英语学习有的放矢,事半功倍。今天我们就从牛津英语7a的词组开始学习。希望能给学习英语的同行或者学生起到一点作用。7Aunit1-unit2词组和句型。


1. 如何照顾你的电子狗 how to look after your e-dog

2. 这只狗的主人 the dog’s master / the master of the dog

3. 喜欢电子狗 love an e-dog/ e-dogs

4. 阅读这本书/看报纸 read this book / read newspapers

5. 开学的第一天 the first day at school

6. 认识一部分新学生 get to know some of the new students

7. 和新朋友见面 meet new friends

8. 早上/下午/晚上/ 好 Good morning/ afternoon/ evening

晚安 Good night

9. 他们的第一节英语课 their first English lesson

10. 见到你很开心 nice/glad to meet you

11. 欢迎(某人)到某地 welcome (sb.) to

欢迎来这里/那里/回家 welcome here/there/home

不用谢 You are welcome .

12. 在7年级一班 in Class 1, Grade 7

13. 阳光中学的一名新学生 a new student at Sunshine Middle School

14. 留着短发 have short hair

15. 在读书俱乐部 in the Reading Club

在校篮球队 in the school basketball team

参加学校的兴趣小组 go to clubs at school

参加读书俱乐部 go to the Reading Club

16. 又高又瘦 tall and slim

17. 有礼貌而且乐于助人 polite and helpful

18. 酷爱阅读/运动 love reading/ sports

19. 放学后踢足球/弹钢琴 play football/ the piano after school

20. 来自 come/be from

eg: We all come from Beijing. = We are all from Beijing.

The little boy comes from the USA. = The little boy is from the USA.

21. 黑色长/短发 long/short black hair

22. 很喜欢听音乐 like listening to music (very much)

23. 戴(一副)眼镜 wear (a pair of) glasses

24. 擅长于… be good /clever at … = do well in…

25. 在那边 over there

26. 我们的中文老师 our Chinese teacher

教我们的中文 teach us Chinese

27. 看黑板 look at the blackboard

看起来开心 look happy

28.其中一间教室 one of the classrooms

28. 喜欢跳舞 like/ enjoy dancing

去上舞蹈课 go to the dancing lessons

1. 擅长于游泳 be good at swimming

一个优秀的游泳运动员 a good swimmer

2. 我的爱好之一 one of my hobbies

3. 那个可爱婴儿 the cute baby

4. 听音乐 listen to music

5. 放风筝 fly kites

6. 回家很晚 go home late 上学迟到 be late for school

7. 和我家人一起住在北京 live with my family in Beijing

8. 戴眼镜 wear glasses

那个戴眼镜的男孩 the boy with glasses

那个穿连衣裙的女孩 the girl in a dress

9. 喜爱所有我的课程 love all my lessons

10. 告诉全班关于你自己的情况 tell the class about yourself

39. 对我很好 be nice to me

40. 需要在某方面花更多的时间 need to spend more time on …

Useful sentences:

41.疑问词 to do sth.

eg: I don’t know what to do next. “我不知道下一步该做什么.”

He doesn’t know how to do it next. “他不知道下一步怎么做.”

He knows where to go. “他知道要去哪里.”

She wants to know when to go. “她想知道什么时候走.”

42.I am 11 years old. “我11岁.”

à区别I am an 11-year-old girl/boy. “我是一个11岁的男/女孩.”

43.I’m good at (learning) English. “我擅长(学)英语”= “我英语学得好”

= I do well in (learning) English. = I learn English well.= I am a good English learner

44. The Simple Present Tense ----- 表状态 (含 be )

Are you happy ? 你开心吗?

Is our school nice ? 我们的学校漂亮吗?

I am not in Class Two . 我不在2班。

I was born on April 25th . 我出生于4月25日。



1. 做运动 play sports

2. 喜欢散步 enjoy / like / love walking

去散步 go walking = go for a walk

出去散步 go out for a walk

走到我的碗边 walk to my bowl

走到学校 walk to school

走回家/这儿/那儿 walk home / here / there

遛狗 walk a dog

3. 每天许多次 many times a day

一年一次 once a year

一周两次 twice a week

一天三顿 three meals a day

4. 打排球 play volleyball

打网球 play tennis

踢足球 play football

5. 喜欢游泳 enjoy / like / love swimming

6. 你最喜欢的运动是什么? What’s your favourite sport?

7. 你呢? What / How about you?

……怎么样? What about sth / doing sth?

= How about sth / doing sth?

8. 去游泳/购物/跑步 go swimming / go shopping / go running

(P20)1. 我喜欢的足球运动员 my favourite football player

我最喜欢的足球明星 my favourite football star

一个全明星后卫 an All-star guard

2. 看起来很强壮 look very strong

看起来很高兴 look very happy

3. 足球踢得很好 play football very well

4. 在他的空余时间里 in his free / spare time

5. 使他很开心 make him very happy

使某人做某事 make sb do sth

6. 在下一届世界杯里踢球 play football in the next World Cup

7. 他是黄河足球队的一个新成员。 He is a new member of Huanghe

Football Club.

8. 我希望他的梦想成真。 I hope his dream can come true.

变成现实,成为事实 come true

(P23)1. 观看电视上的球类比赛 watch ball games on TV

听收音机上的英语新闻 listen to English news on the radio

查互联网上的一些信息 search for some information online /

on the Internet

2. 喜欢绘画 enjoy / like / love drawing

参加绘画竞赛 take part in the drawing competition

画一匹马 draw a horse

3. 在周末 at / on weekends

at / on the weekend

在工作日 on weekdays

4. 我经常呆在家里,但是有时我和 I often stay at home, but sometimes I

父亲去游泳。 go swimming with my father.

呆在家里/这儿/那儿 stay at home / here / there

(P25)1. 打乒乓球 play table tennis / ping-pong

2. 使我感觉很棒 make me feel great

使我感觉很热 make me feel hot

3. 读很多有趣的书籍 read lots of / a lot of interesting books

4. 我的许多学生喜欢运动。 Many of my students like sports.

5. 丹尼尔不是很喜欢运动,但是 Daniel doesn’t like sports very much,

有时他打乒乓球。 But he sometimes plays table tennis.

6. 你经常放学以后做什么? What do you often do after school?

7. 你还喜欢做什么事情? What else do you like to do?

= What other things do you like to do?

8. 阅读很有趣。 Reading is fun.

(P28)1. 谈论篮球 talk about / of basketball

谈论如何学英语 talk about / of how to learn English

谈论它 talk about / of it

谈论在超市买东西 talk about shopping in the supermarket

2. 看电视上的篮球赛 watch basketball matches on TV

3. 我最喜欢的英雄之一 one of my favourite heroes

4. 你经常和谁一起玩? Who do you often play with?

你经常在什么时间和什么地点玩? When and where do you often play?


标签: 牛津 词组 英语
