作者:玩球直播 | 发表于:2023-03-12 | 阅读:105次


besides和except的词义不同,前者表示“包括”,如同 “with” 或 “plus”( ),后者表示“不包括”,如同 “without”或 “minus”(-)。


A) besides用作介词, 相当于 “in addition to”,意为“包括”,后面接名词、代词或动名词。

例1. Is anyone coming besides David? 除了大卫,还有人来吗?

例2. There were five boys besides him. 除了他还有五个男孩。

例3. What other sports do you play besides tennis? 除了网球,你还做什么运动?

例4. Besides playing tennis, I also play football. 除了打网球,我还踢足球。

B) besides用作副词, 等于moreover; furthermore; also,意为“除此之外;此外;而且”, 在书面语中,前后加逗号。

例1. Besides, he promised me he would come. 此外,他答应我他会来的。

例2. I'm too tired to go for a walk. Besides, it’s snowing. 我太累了,不能去散步。此外,外面正在下雪。

例3. He seemed to have no desire to do it, besides. 此外,他似乎没有做这件事的意愿。

例4. We don't think going for a walk is a good idea. It's quite cold, and, besides, it's getting late and we don't want to be out in the dark. 我们认为出去散步不是个好主意。天气很冷,而且,天已经晚了,我们不想在黑暗中外出。


A)except用作介词,相当于 “not including (someone or something)”,后面接名词或代词,表示“不包括”。

例1. The museum is open daily except Mondays. 除了星期一,博物馆每天开放。

例2. All the students passed except me. 除了我,所有的学生都及格了。

B) except用作连词,相当于 “with this exception”,后面接介词短语,表示“不包括”。

例1.We cannot spare any time except on Sunday.除了星期天,我们不能抽出任何时间。

例2.The place is inaccessible except by boat. 这地方只有坐船才能到达。

C) except用作连词,相当于“otherwise than”,后面接不定式,表示“除以下情况外”。若前面的谓语动词带有情态动词、助动词或do时,不定式的to常省略。

例1. The government has few options except to keep interest rates high. 除了保持高利率,政府别无选择。

例2. There was little I could do except wait. 除了等待,我几乎无能为力。

例3. He doesn't do anything except sit and watch TV. 除了坐着看电视,他什么也不做。

D) except用作连词,相当于“if it were not for the fact that”,后面接从句,表示“如果不是因为”。

例1. I usually go to work by bike except when it rains. 除了下雨外,我通常骑自行车去上班。

例2. I would buy the car, except that it costs too much. 我倒是想买这辆车,只是价格太高。

例3. I would go except that it's too far. 我倒是想去,只是太远了。


besides和except均可用作介词,同时,besides还可以用作副词,except还可用作连词。besides和except的词义不同,前者表示“包括”,如同 “with” 或 “plus”( ),后者表示“不包括”,如同 “without”或 “minus”(-)。


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